My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

People First World War

Gardner Cades Abbott 1897 - 1918
Clarence W Allen 1898 - 1918
Herbert M Alvord about 1891 -
Nathaniel Hammond Bailey 1898 - 1980
Reginald Barbour 1887 - 1943
Charles Lester Barnard 1898 - 1972
Harriet Virginia Bean 1882 - 1966
Ernest Alfred Beaughan 1892 - 1962
Frank Leroy Bigbie 1884 - 1960
George Arthur Boyce 1898 - 1976
Robert Faulkner Boyd 1897 - 1953
Daniel Lee Brace 1901 - 1980
Milton Libby Burdett 1898 - 1949
Ralph Lewis Burditt 1897 - 1977
Rollen Asher Burditt 1893 - 1948
David V Bushnell 1891 - 1970
Cyril Sargent Carr 1893 - 1975
Gerald M Carroll 1896 - 1975
Dexter Drake Coffin 1898 - 1966
Charles Percy Colbath 1894 - 1967
Baxter Cook 1900 - 1918
John Francis Costello 1893 - 1978
Max Owen Cragan 1887 - 1928
Edward Leroy Cummings 1900 - 1979
Francis Nelson Dearden 1898 - 1967
Donald Alma Dimick 1898 - 1976
Charlie Leland Downer 1897 - 1988
Waldo Clay Farnham 1882 - 1957
Oscar Melvin Froling 1892 - 1959
DeMelle Clark Garey 1875 - 1950
Clifford Willard Gaylord 1883 - 1952
Louis Merle Gorzkiewicz 1898 - 1974
Luther Alvie Goudelock 1895 - 1972
Arthur Nelson Hall 1896 - 1990
Roswell Gray Ham 1891 - 1983
Fred Austin Hammond 1890 - 1965
Cornelious H Hanks 1894 - 1977
Hugh Converse Harrington 1896 - 1968
Frank Owen Hart 1894 - 1946
Griswold Sargeant Hayward 1886 - 1963
Earl Heathershaw 1898 - 1975
John Harold Hennessy 1891 - 1963
Stanwood Elliott Hill 1895 - 1918
Burt William Howland 1896 - 1964
Casca T Howland 1891 - 1956
Clinton Foy Hughes 1894 - 1955
Charles E Inman 1896 - 1918
Harry L Kenney 1888 - 1962
Bernard M Klein 1896 - 1957
Walton Herbert Ladd 1896 - 1980
Frederick Rodman Law 1885 - 1919
Carl Leggett 1886 - 1956
Edith Electa Leland 1893 - 1989
Clarence Elwin Lent 1892 - 1955
Caleb William Loring 1888 - 1954
John Lowther 1896 - 1975
Frank Male 1879 - 1951
Alma Charles McKee 1891 - 1938
Robert Nelson Moffett 1895 -
John A Oberg 1892 - 1962
Robert Olds 1896 - 1943
William Sidney Osgood 1894 - 1961
Darrel Douglas Parke 1897 - 1983
Earl Edward Phillips 1890 - 1972
Edward Colburn Rathbun 1900 - 1947
William Sargent Rathbun 1889 - 1934
Gilbert Oliver Robinson 1880 - 1948
Antonio Sanseverino about 1897 -
Harry Wentworth Sargeant 1887 - 1970
Henry F Sargeant 1895 - 1974
Joseph Weir Sargent 1897 - 1970
Julian Downing Sargent 1885 - 1943
Webster F Schmaling 1897 - 1972
Francis Eldredge Scholes 1899 - 1958
Dare Ray Seamen 1894 - 1972
Alfred Whiting Sears 1899 - 1948
Frank B Shaw 1896 - 1953
Earl Walter Sprague 1887 - 1958
Guy Stoddard 1890 - 1963
John Hughes Stodter 1899 - 1990
Clair Wadsworth Strick 1891 - 1968
Floyd C Strick 1896 - 1970
Leslie Earl Thompson 1894 - 1976
Edwin Bates Vaupel 1888 - 1966
Theodore Victor Wallace 1895 - 1976
Malcolm Eugene Webster 1898 - 1918
Richard Gordon Webster 1896 - 1965
Clarence Ezra Williams 1894 - 1954
Arthur Wells Yale 1875 - 1959